
From here you can update date format, logo, theme etc.

General setting

Date Format

From here admin can change the date format. The date format settings apply everywhere in the application.

Date format

Time Format

From here, the admin has the capability to adjust the time format of the Civic application.



From here, the admin can change the theme of the Civic application.


Display Resolved Tab on Home Page

If you enable Display Resolved Tabs in Home Page from General, you can view the resolved tabs on the home page.

Display tab

Display Help Page

Admin could enable the help page from the general settings, and users would be able to see the help option on the side navigation panel.


Select Teams and priority as dropdown in new ticket page

Activating this feature will treat the teams, priority, and request type fields in the new ticket creation form as dropdowns rather as choicegroups.

Display tab

Show resolved ticket in resolved tab only

My tickets won't appear as resolved tickets if this is turned on in Teams tickets.`

Display tab

Show resolved ticket in selected tabs

With this feature, you can display the resolved tickets specifically in the selected tab.

Display tab

GCC Tenant

GCC (US Government Community Cloud), if your Microsoft 365 tenant is GCC, please enable this setting to make it work

Display tab

Create tickets on behalf of Non-M365 User

To create tickets on behalf of non-M365 users, activate this toggle.

Display tab

    Show favicon of Civic 365

    Toggle on to display the favicon. The favicon appears on the left side of the browser tab, helping users easily recognize the website.

    Language selection

    Naming Convention

    From here, you can rename the display title, company name, and application title. Click the configure button of the Naming Convention, this displays the Naming Convention page.

    Name convention

    Enter the name and click on save icon.

    Save convention

    Use Teams Code as Ticket Suffix : As a suffix, you may use team code.With the use of a toggle, you may turn this on or off . The team code will be added at the end of the Ticket ID.

    Code suffix

    Id suffix

    Teams Name in New Ticket Page :Enable this to show the teams' name instead of the teams' code on the New Ticket panel or ticket form.

    Teams name

    Teams shown

    Added team

Recycle Bin

The deleted tickets will display in recycle bin, the admin can restore them or delete them permanently.

Recycle bin