
    From here, admin can assign roles to users and teams.

    User role

    Importance of Roles:

    • Admin has full control.
    • Able to perform all settings.
    • Able to raise tickets on behalf of another person.
    • Generate reports of all teams.
    • View dashboard.
    • Able to assign the tickets of all teams.
    • View all the teams in side navigation.

    • Able to raise tickets on behalf of another person.
    • Receives only raised tickets to their department.
    • Able to assign the tickets based on ticket scopes.
    • Generate reports of their teams.
    • View dashboard.
    • View only those teams inside navigation, if they are supervisors the assigned teams (teams specific).

    • Able to raise tickets on behalf of another person.
    • They would be able to change the status of their assigned tickets and would be able to re-assign to others.
    • Able to assign the tickets based on ticket scopes.

    • Users have the ability to raise a ticket and view tickets requested by them.
    Power Users
    • Power users have the privilege to view tickets created by themselves and those that are unassigned.

    Based on custom settings, the admin, supervisor, and agents can delete the tickets.

    Roles and scopes

    Admin can assign roles to O365 users with ticket scope as per requirement in the Civic application. You can select both supervisor and agents for multiple teams, however, ticket scope will remain the same along with roles.

    Different types of tickets scope

    Global access:
    • Can view all team's unassigned tickets in the Civic.
    • Can assign tickets for all teams.
    • Can edit or update a ticket of all teams from the comment page only.

    Team access I:
    • Can view all team's unassigned tickets in the Civic.
    • Can assign tickets for all teams.

    Team access II:
    • Can view all team's unassigned tickets.
    • Can assign tickets for their teams.

    Restricted access:
    • Can only view their team's assigned tickets.
    • Team tickets detailed view will not be available.
    • Can update only tickets assigned to him/her.

    Add/Edit Users

    To add the users, follow the below steps:
    1. Click on Configure, this displays Users page.

    2. Add users

    3. Click on +Add button, this displays Add Users page.

    4. Add users

    5. Enter the Users, Job Title, add Manager Email and add select the Roles and the Ticket scope.
    6. Finally click the Submit button.

    7. Add users

    Add/Edit End Users

    Click on "Configure" to proceed further.

    Add teams

    Click on + Addbutton to display Add user Page.

    Add End User

    Enter the Name, Email, organization , Services,Sub Services, Start Date and End Date.

    Click on Submit Button.

    Add End User

    You can modify and remove the user by clicking on these icons.

    Add users

    Add/Edit Teams

    Admin can create multiple teams as per your requirement. Admin and supervisor can view all the teams in the side navigation panel.

    Admin can create teams from the settings. To create follow the below steps:

    1. Click on teams, this displays Add/Edit Teams page.
    2. Click on +New Team button, this displays New page.

    3. Add teams

    4. Enter the Name, give Code, add Supervisor and add the Team Members.
    5. Multiple ticket mailboxes : Can add the department or team's email address to teams and a ticket mailbox can be configured for it.

    6. Add teams

    7. Finally click the Save button.

    Escalation Teams

    Admin can create multiple escalation teams as per your requirement. You can view escalation teams on comment page.

    Admin can create escalation teams from the settings. To create follow the below steps:

    1. Click on teams, this displays Add/Edit Teams page.
    2. Click on +New Esc Team button, this displays New Esc Team page.

    3. Team esc

    4. Select the team from the dropdown, and select the check box to define the level of SLA Escalation.

      The code is predefined for SLA Escalation. For first-level, code is XX L1 And for Second-level, the code is XX L2.(XX is based on code added )

    5. Enter the Supervisor and add the Team Members.

    6. Add supervisor

    7. Finally click the Save button.


    Once you create teams, admin can add various services for individual department from settings as shown in below.

    Add service

    Sub Service

    From here you can create, edit and delete sub services. You can create the sub service based on service ticket.

    Sub service

    Advance Permissions

    Various permissions could be provided to admin, supervisor, agent. It would allow users to edit priority, request type and close ticket.

    Advace permissions

    Ticket Properties

    Using ticket properties feature, it would be able to hide or show the ticket fields in ticket form.

    Ticket properties

    ticket property