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Requisition: A requisition is an official request to fill a job vacancy within an organization. It includes details such as the job title, department, required qualifications, and budget approval. This document is typically initiated by a hiring manager and must be approved by the appropriate authorities before the recruitment process can begin.

  • Click "New Requisition" to add a requisition.

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  • In the requisition form template, there are two form options. The first form is the basic form, and the second form includes additional options such as salary compensation, work schedule, and more.Fill out the Requisition Form and click on the "Next" button.

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  • In the Applicant form template, there are three default forms. The first form is the basic form, the second form includes fields for education and personal information, and the third form covers work experience and other sections. Fill out the Applicant Form and click on the "Next" button.

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  • The last step in the hiring process is to fill in the details and click the "Save" button to save the requisition.

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      Job Posting:: A job posting is an advertisement for an open position within the organization. It is derived from the requisition and provides potential candidates with information about the job role, responsibilities, qualifications, and application process. Job postings are usually published on various platforms, including the company's career website, job boards, and social media.
    1. To create a new job posting, click on the "+ New Job Posting" button.

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    3. There are three sections: Requisition, Applicant Form and Hiring Process.

    4. In the Requisition section, complete the form. In this section, recruiters define the job requirements and details for new positions, including the job title, description, qualifications, and salary range. This helps in creating a clear and detailed job posting.

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    6. Click on Next Button.

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    8. In the Applicant Form section, you can create sections by dragging the fields.Here, job seekers fill out their personal and professional information to apply for a job. This includes fields for their name, contact details, education, work experience, and skills, as well as options to upload their resume and cover letter.

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    10. Click on Next Button.

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    12. Here, we will map the job posting with the hiring process. This section outlines the various stages of the recruitment process, from reviewing applications and conducting interviews to making job offers and onboarding new hires. It ensures a structured and organized hiring workflow.

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    14. By clicking on the Edit button, you can add a scorecard.

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    16. By clicking on the Edit button, you can also add selectors.

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    18. After clicking on the selector option in the edit tab, you'll find the option to choose a user according to your preference and then save your selection. You can also import new users into the system.

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    20. After clicking Submit, you can see the job post in the Job Posting section.
    21. You can now view this job posting in the multi-tenant app using the link provided by the support team.

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    23. By clicking on the job title , you can see the candidates who have applied for it

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    25. You can schedule the interview by clicking on the "Schedule Interview" button and filling in the details.

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    Applicant Detail List

    The applicant detail list includes the name, email, job status, and phone number, along with additional information. You can also view the progress through various stages, such as screening, interviews, and the final round.


    Interview: An interview is a formal meeting between a job applicant and one or more representatives of the hiring organization. The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidate's qualifications, experience, and suitability for the position. Interviews can take various forms, including phone interviews, video interviews, and in-person interviews, and often involve multiple rounds or stages.

    My Action: In the Action tab, you can view candidates who have applied and been selected for the next step. From this tab, the admin can approve or reject candidates for the next round.