Home Page

On Home Page Users can check the appraisal cycle status and rate their own performance in self review and can request feedback.

Home page

My teams: Appraisers can find their team members who have been in appraisals (called appraisees).

The employee review status column provides the status of self-review of the appraisee. Once the appraisee completes their self-review, the Employee Review status gets updated with the completed status, From the edit icon display in the action column - the appraiser could review by clicking on it.

Home page

360 feedbacks: Under 360 feedback we provide 5 options Feedback Request, Action, Given Action, and Organization feedback.

Home page

Feed request

Request: This option is available to appraisees. From here they can request 360 feedback from the other company employee by clicking on the request button. All the requests are shown in the feedback request as shown below.

Feed request

Teams: This option is available to Managers. From here they can send feedback requests on behalf of their reportee to their team (peers, reportee and manager).

Click on the team as shown in below, the page will open then select the team member or reportee, select the feedback requester check box and click on submit request button.

Team member

Action: From here a user can see all the 360 feedback requests requested by appraisees under the action. And they can provide feedback from action icon.

Feedback Action

Given: From here user can find their given feedback on appraisee's requests.

Feedback given

Received: From here appraisee can find feedbacks for which they requested

Feedback received

1:1: This Component enables seamless meeting scheduling and topic discussions for efficient collaboration.Schedule meetings and discuss topics effortlessly using our integrated tools.

Organization feedback

Self-Review: Appraisee can do their self-review. When the appraisal cycle initiates, they find KRAs categories-wise and based on their job tiles. They can rate themselves along with comments and finally sign to submit.

Home page

Additional reviews: This feature is available to only Managers they can add an additional review to the appraisee

Home page