
Settings page is visible only to admin. On the default note, the one who has installed the application would be an admin, the roles could be assigned as admin to any person from the user’s page.

  1. General
  2. Advance Settings
  3. Organization
  4. Leave Type Setting


Here, you can change theme, date format, color code, brand logo etc.


  1. Theme
    Here, you can change the theme color light, dark and site theme.

  2. theme

  3. Calculate partial leave
    Here, you can calculate partial leave (Can select the partial day on either an hourly basis or half/quarter-day from the advanced setting).

  4. Calculate partial leave

  5. Calculate leaves based on
    Here, you can calculate leaves on a daily and hourly basis. You have the option to set the default hours for each day.

  6. Calculate partial leave

  7. Annual Leave Start Date and Annual Leave End Date
    You could mention the annual leave start date and end date here. If accrued leaves are enabled, leaves would be calculated and allocated to users based on these date and date of joining of the candidate.

    Leave calculate

    let say
    candidate joining date = 15 th March 2023.
    Annual Start date= 1 st Jan 2023
    Annual End Date = 31st Dec 2023.
    Casual Leaves = 24.

    ✔ If accrued is disabled, candidate allocated leave would be (24 leaves /12 month) * Remaining months i.e., 9 months = 18 Leaves allocates for a years

    ✔ If accrued is enabled and type is Monthly, for march month allocated leave will be 2 and it increase by 2 on every month.

    ✔ If accrued is enabled and type is quarterly
    24 leaves/ 3 quarter for year = 8 leaves for each quarter
    Now (1st quarter= 8 leaves) / 4 months = 2 leaves
    ∴ 2 leaves * 2 months (remaining months to complete one quarter) = 4 leaves allocates in first quarter and then 8 leaves would allocate for in each quarter automatically.

  8. Date Format
    If you change the date format, it will update in entire application.

  9. Date formate

  10. Define Work Week
    In this table add 0 in the cell for weekend. Leave calculation would be done based on working days.

  11. Work week

  12. Color code in calendar by
    Here, you could define color in calendar bases on leave status and leave type. This could be enabled, by selecting the check box and click on save icon.

  13. Color code

  14. Display team's time off on calendar
    You can, if enabled, view the calendar of leaves taken by Team members in the same department.

  15. allow user

  16. Allow all microsoft 365 users in this tenant
    Microsoft 365 users would not get the access of application until users are added in users list of the application. If enabled, all the tenant users could use the application from the URL.

  17. allow user

  18. Show Sample data in Dashboard
    To display sample data on the dashboard, simply activate the toggle button.

  19. leave reordering

  20. Leaves reordering
    Here You Can reorder the Leaves.

  21. brand logo

  22. Hide SharePoint page's default components.
    Select Configure to Process Continue.

  23. brand logo

    Remove custom webpart CSS :Enable this toggle will remove space outside of Webpart.

    Hide webpart title in sharepoint page :Enable this toggle will remove the Webpart title.

    Hide side navigation panel in sharepoint page : Enable this toggle will hide side navigation Panel.

    Hide top command bar on sharepoint page :Enable this toggle will hide the command bar on sharepoint page.

    Hide top site header :Enable this toggle will hide top site header where app is running.

    Hide comments wrapper :Enable this toggle will hide comments wrapper in sharepoint page where app is running.


Office Location

  1. Calculate leaves include weekends / holidays
    In case you want to include weekends as leaves when first and last day of the leave include weekend / holiday i.e. Someone apply leave from Friday to Monday, if the toggle switch is on, it will calculate four leaves and two leaves in case toggle is in off state.
  2. Office Location

  3. HR approvers
  4. Office Location

  5. Additional approvers
    Give applicants the option to choose another approver(s) in case their first-line manager is unavailable.
  6. Office Location

  7. Reminder notifications to approvers
    You can disable daily reminder notifications to approvers.
  8. Office Location

  9. Allow backdate leaves
    User can be allowed to submit back date leaves by X days
  10. Office Location

  11. Leave accrual
    By enabling this option, users will have their leaves accrued every month rather than allotted on the first day of the year.
  12. Office Location

    Select the leave type to carry forward
    At the end of the year, one of the leave types can be carried forward to the next year. Office Location

  13. Add Comp off (off in lieu) policy (in days)
    Comp (Compensatory) Off leave (also called compensatory off, comp off, or off-In-Lieu) allows team members to take time off in lieu of overtime pay if they've worked under irregular circumstances, such as: when business is closed, holidays, overtime hours, etc. Users are allowed to consume their comp off with X days from the day they worked under irregular circumstances.
  14. Office Location

  15. Avail Comp off (off in lieu) policy (in days)
    Comp (Compensatory) Off leave (also called compensatory off, comp off, or off-In-Lieu) allows team members to take time off in lieu of overtime pay if they've worked under irregular circumstances, such as: when business is closed, holidays, overtime hours, etc. Users are allowed to consume their comp off with X days from the day they worked under irregular circumstances.
  16. Office Location

  17. Enable external users
    You can allow external users to use this Time-off Manager app i.e. You can add them as guest / external user which is added in your office 365 tenant
  18. Office Location

  19. Leaves Based On
    Leaves are based on 3 categories. This could be enabled by selecting the check box and click on Save button.

    1. Regular: Total number of leaves could be entered. This leave allocates for all users based on date of joining and accrued (optional). If you want change leave for particular user, it can we done from user page.


    2. Level Based Leaves: Level-based leaves and grades options would be displayed under systems settings, here first define the grades for different job title, finally add the leaves numbers for such grades from leave based option.

      Leave based

      grade level

    3. Tenure Based Leaves: Second-level approval for leave cancellation would be available by enabling the tab. HR is the second-level approver for leave cancellation (On default setting).

      Tenure based

      Tenure added

  20. Leave as Per
  21. Office Location

  22. Show Time off requests in Microsoft outlook calender.
    When we apply leave, Outlook Calendar is blocked.
  23. Office Location

  24. Auto Approvals.
    leaves can approve automattically without permission.
  25. Office Location

    Office Location

  26. Second level approval for leave cancellation.
    HR is Second level approver for Leave Cancellation.
  27. Office Location

  28. Display Title.
    You can Hide/Show title field while applying leave.
  29. Office Location

  30. Enable recurrence of leaves .
    If enabled, you can find control of recurrence on the top right corner after clicking on 'new request' on home page of the application
  31. Office Location

  32. Language selection as browser default language.
    Select browser Default Language.
  33. Office Location

  34. Language selection in case browser default language is not detected.
  35. Office Location

  36. Email Template
    Here you can configure email notification body and add more placeholders.
  37. Office Location

    Office Location


Office Locations

could be added by clicking on Add button. For each location, a work week can be defined. In this table, add zero for weekend days and any number on working days. Use adds more button to add multiple office locations and finally click on Save button.

Office Location

save location

Once the office locations have been added all the locations would be displayed in the public holiday page and public holidays for each location could be added. These locations would show up in office location dropdown menu of added user panel. Public holidays and weekend leaves for user are based on location or office location.


New leave type could be added, by clicking on add button and entering all the details. New leave types, status, accrual, show leave types in home page, partial day, leave notice in advance, secondary approver, tertiary approver etc could be added.

Leave setting

Add Leave

  1. Status: If it is enabled, it would display in apply leave form and user could apply for their leave.

  2. Accrual: Leave accrual can be enabled as per the organizations requirement. (In Advance setting accrual leave should be enabled and then select accrual type).

  3. Homepage: If this is enabled, it would display in home page as Leave Status.

  4. Deductable: If this is enabled, newly added leave would be deductible from the initial allocated count, in case if it is checked off, this leave will not have any count or maximum limit. Usually, it is being used to provide medical leaves, etc.
  5. Partial Day:  If this is enabled for particular leave, user can be able to apply leave for partial day (0.5 or 0.25 leave).

  6. Leave Notice in Advance: You can enter the number of days you want the leaves to applied in advance.

  7. Show in calendar: Show/hide applied leaves on the calendar of apply leave form from the leave settings.

  8. Secondary Approver: You can select HR or manager of manager or any user as seconder approver. Select HR or MoM check box and enable switch. You can type person in people picker box, click on save button and enable switch. If Fist approver (i.e., Manager of user) approve the leave request, request goes to second approver.

    You can also make some second approver as auto approver from the advance settings, there you have to select the leave types, job title and finally click on save icon.

  9. Tertiary approver:  You can select HR or manager of manager or any selected email id as tertiary approver.
  10. Import leaves: You may import leaves from the Leave tab (add balance leaves of last year through the bulk import).

  11. Import leave

  12. Firstly choose the file to click Choose File button then Click on Upload button to upload the the file

  13. Import leave