• Azure API Configuration for Employee Directory.

    In the Employee Directory application graph API is used to exclude block users, exclude users hidden in GAL, sync Azure images, sync mobile numbers from Active Directory, and sync AD properties.

    Global Admin access is required to configure Azure API.

    1. Register app in the azure portal with the below link: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredApps

    2. Select App registrations.

      app register

    3. Select New registration.

      New reistrations

    4. Provide any name and finally click on the Register button. You have created your Azure AD application.


    5. Select the Access tokens & ID tokens and click on the Save icon.


    6. Now click on overview from side navigation panel and copy the Application ID.


    7. Copy 'Application (client)ID' and paste it in client ID field of MSAL in Employee directory settings and finally click on submit button, permission requested window opens, select the check box and click on button as shown in below images.

      Note: In case it fails to connect please refresh the browser past the ID and click on submit button.

    8. General
