Employee Directory 365

Frequently Asked Questions

After the trial period, users limit to 50 users and all features are disabled.
In Employee Directory 365 please click on the help (?) icon and then on product activation put the license key and click on validate button.
Once you purchase the product, a purchase confirmation email notification will send to you which contains the license key. You can activate the product after 24 hours from the time of purchase.
You can add users from the O365 admin page or azure and users sync or appears in Employee Directory 365 after 24 hours automatically.
Yes, we can add non-office365 users. To add non-office365 follow below steps:
  • Go to the Settings.
  • In Advance, click on the import button, the panel open and download the sample file.
  • Fill non-O365 user details as per the specified format in the file. Choose the file, and click on the Save button.
  • Admin can edit the user’s details from the O365 or Azure. The user’s details like birth date, joining date, skills, hobbies, projects, and about me can be updated from the SharePoint User profile. SharePoint admin can visit the SharePoint user profile from the below link URL format.

  • https://Your tenant name-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/TenantProfileAdmin/ProfMngr.aspx?

  • An individual user can edit their profile details like birthday, joining date, skills hobbies, projects, mobile number, and about me from delve profile. Users can visit the below URLs format to update the details.

    https://Your tenant name -my.sharepoint.com/person.aspx

  • Note: Update reflects in Employee Directory 365 after some time.
    We can sync pictures from SharePoint Profile, outlook, SharePoint Library (custom pictures)
    A request for a resource (like a picture) outside of the origin is known as a cross-origin request. CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) manages cross-origin requests i.e., EDM works from https://tenant-appid.sharepoint.com & if Pictures are being called from https://outlook.office.com, it treats as cross-origin resource sharing. Please click on the CORS tab to allow cross-origin resource sharing from the help in Employee Directory 365. This activity is one time until you clear cache/cookies from your browser Note: We recommend you to choose either SPO or ED (Employee Directory SharePoint library).
    Go to SharePoint admin center then from left panel under advanced click on API access option under pending request, there are some requests (Presence.Read.All, User.Read.All, and MailboxSettings.Read etc) select and click on approve one by one for all the requests.
  • First Configure SharePoint API
  • In settings in advance click on the action button of custom fields.
  • Select the properties from the AD properties dropdown list, type the custom fields name, and click on the Save button.
  • Custom fields value is displayed at bottom of grid views of the home page.
  • If you are not using the active directory and need to show extra users details in the Employee Directory 365 you can use extension attributes.
  • Exchange admin can update the user’s details in the extension attribute.
  • Go to the Exchange admin center.
  • Click on the recipient in the side navigation panel.
  • Double click on the display name, edit user mailbox popup window appears, click on more options then click on the edit icon of custom attributes, 15 text boxes appear where you can update the details and syncs in Employee Directory 365 using extension attributes custom fields.
  • You can upload the Pictures in the SharePoint library
  • Go to settings in advanced click on click here link under “Sync employee profile Pictures from”, redirects to SharePoint library of Employee Directory 365. upload Pictures in the library, the format of the picture is - username@domain.com.jpg.
  • Finally, select the ED option in settings in advance and click on the Save button.
  • The global admin can exclude shared mailbox users Please ensure SharePoint API configured
  • Go to settings then click on exclude option.
  • At the bottom, click on the click here link, permission page gets opened in another tab then select the check box and click on accept button you will redirect to the Employee Directory tool.
  • Put below format URL with a forward slash in Shared mailbox URL box and click on run button Wait for some time till process complete https://Your Tenant name.sharepoint.com/.
  • After the completion of the process, you will find the shared mailbox users deleted reports at the bottom of the same page
  • Now in Employee Directory 365 settings in Exclude option Enable toggle for Exclude Shared mailbox
  • Note: If the report does give deleted users results or the report could not produce after the process completion, please try the same process after some time
    Employee Directory 365 does not store any data; it syncs live data and displays it in Employee Directory.
    Yes, we can install multiple Employee Directory 365 in different SharePoint sites.
    Open the General tab from the setting. Under Search filter, select the checkboxes as per your choice and click on the Save button.
    You can do block sign-in for inactive users from O365 and those users can be excluded by enabling “Exclude O365 sing in blocked users” in Employee Directory 365 settings.
    After configuring SharePoint API enable the toggle for “Sync and display mobile number from azure” in settings in advance.
    We can export only loaded or displayed users on the Employee Directory 365 page into CSV sheets.
    Please ensure that ShowInAddresslist properties for the users should be false you can verify this from Microsoft graph explorer. You can update the value false by the PowerShell command.
    On the birthday and anniversary days of employees, greeting notifications will send to users from Employee Directory 365 automatically through power automated flow.
    Please contact appsupport@hr365.us to set up power automate.
    You can exclude a group of users based on email domain, departments, locations, and job title.
    Go to the settings in exclude options click on the upload button of exclude shared mailbox users, download the sample file and fill the preferred names and choose the same file and finally click on the Save button.
    After configuring SharePoint API enable the toggle for “User Presence” in settings in advance.
    In SharePoint user photo’s folder, if grey picture icon exists for users, shows same in Employee Directory 365 else shows name initial. SP admin can visit the folder from the below URL format https://Your tenant name-my.sharepoint.com/User%20Photos
    We can add unlimited custom fields.
    Go to the settings, in view disable the display toggles.
    Go to the settings in excludes tab from department or job title dropdown select the empty option and click on the Save button.
    Go to the settings, in advance, enable the toggle to hide.
    No, it shows only 4 level organization charts.

    Employee Directory 365

  • It's a SharePoint web part that works on SharePoint modern portals.
  • It is virtually for unlimited users.
  • Performance is better as the latest technology and scripting language React are used.
  • The online presence of users is visible.
  • Its works on SharePoint 365 Portal.

  • Emoloyee Directory Classic

  • It's a SharePoint hosted Add-in.
  • It has a limitation of 3000 users.
  • Performance is good.
  • The online presence of a user is not visible.
  • It works on both SharePoint classic portal and 365 Portal.
  • Yes, you can install an employee directory on different sites multiple times.
    To give permissions in SPFX, refer to SPFx.
    No, we will not have access to any field from your tenant other than the app email id of the person who has installed the app. Incase of troubleshooting, we need to get on screen sharing to know the issue and provide resolution.
    Employee Directory 365 does live searches from Microsoft 365’s user database and displays information within the app at the back end, Employee Directory 365 leverages Microsoft 365’s database to provide you with live information about employees. There are two different sources where user information is stored, and Employee Directory 365 can use any one of them. One of the data sources is called SharePoint profiles where detailed information about a user is stored and another data source is Azure Active Directory where the user’s email id, free busy information, and other active directory related attributes are stored. We use Microsoft’s graph API to pull information from Azure Active Directory and Rest API to pull information SharePoint profiles.

    There are certain benefits and limitations on both date sources as some of the information, which is available in the SharePoint profile, is not available in Azure Active Directory and vice versa. Please feel free to connect with our presales team to let you know which data source would be a right fit for you. Also, you can visit advanced settings within the app to configure your choice of data source and find more info about features within the app.
    Employee Directory pulls user information from Microsoft 365's user records. Graph API or SharePoint API are two methods used to pull records from Microsoft 365 based on advanced settings in the application. With the graph API employees can be sorted based on either user principle name (UPN) or display name as per "sort user by" view settings. With SharePoint API, employees can be sorted based on first name, last name, and dispaly name as per "sort user by" view settings. Custom attributes are available through Graph API hence sorting can be done using UPN or 'Display Name'.
    Microsoft has restrictions on excluding query length. To maintain the query length of excluded users, please limit this user list to 50 and use other excluded queries such as department, title, location or user contains for the remaining users.

    Navigate to the "Exclude Users List" settings, include the users designated for exclusion, and set the limit for excluded users to 50. Subsequently, you have the option to reassign the remaining users based on criteria such as location, job titles, or department, and exclude them accordingly. You may also utilize the "Exclude Users by User Contains" option to further exclude up to 50 users.