General Setting
This section allows you to modify settings such as date format, theme, language selection, logo configuration, and more.
- You can change the Date format from here. This date format will be updated throughout the application.
- From here you can select the theme for the application. There are three themes namely dark mode, light
and site theme color.
- Select Configure to continue processing.
- The Naming's will appear as headings in ESS portal where the required documents can be attached under
- If your Microsoft 365 tenant is GCC (US Government Community Cloud), please enable this setting in
order to
make it work.
Show Fav Icon
By toggling this option, you can enable the display of the favicon on the left side of the browser tab, which helps users quickly identify the website.
- This feature allows users to designate their preferred language for web content by setting it as the
language within their browser settings.
Hide Sharepoint Page's Default Components
- Select Configure to continue processing.
- Activating this toggle option within the settings will result in the automatic removal of empty space
surrounding the designated webpart.
- This functionality enables users to conceal the titles of webparts on SharePoint pages where
are active.
- Hide side navigation panel in Sharepoint page where App is running.
- This functionality enables users to conceal the titles of webparts, and optionally, display a brand
logo, on
SharePoint pages where applications are active.