Helpdesk 365

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The application must be installed in your SharePoint tenant's root site to appear as an app in Microsoft Teams.
  • If the application is installed on any site collection other than the root site, it will only appear as an additional tab in the Teams channel.

  • Helpdesk 365

      To set up custom-level permissions, follow these steps:
  • Open the site where the application is deployed and click on the settings icon located in the top right corner.

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Select "Site permissions" and then click on "Advanced permissions settings."

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Choose "Permissions Levels" and click on "Add a permission level."

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Click on “Add a Permission Level” and provide a name for the custom permissions.

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Select "Add items," "Edit items," "Delete items," and "View items." Then, scroll down and click on "Create."

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Return to the previous page and create a group.
  • Helpdesk 365

  • Enter the group's name and select the custom permission created in step 3. Click "create."

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Once the group is created, add users to this group.

  • Click on "New," and enter the names of the users who will access the application. You can also select "Everyone except external users" to grant access to all users automatically, reducing manual additions and you can also add any SharePoint groups directly if needed.

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Use the "Check permissions" feature to verify the granted permissions, ensuring only the custom permission created in step 4 is assigned.
  • Helpdesk 365

  • Navigate to the pages, click on the "Share" button, and enter the name of the group created in step 5. Ensure that only view access is granted to the group.
  • These steps will help you grant custom-level permissions efficiently.

    Once the trial gets expire only 1 users can use the application.
    You can purchase the applicaion from this link.
    In the Helpdesk, it counts all sum of admins, agents, supervisors, and users who requests the ticket.
    Once you purchase the application, we change the license status of the application at our end and you can check and verify in the Helpdesk application from the Help panel by clicking on the License Validation option.
    It stores in SharePoint lists of clients’ tenants and can be viewed or accessible by the only client.
    Yes, You can integrate it through API or Power Automate.
    Yes, the Helpdesk application is integrated with HR365 Asset Management.
    After Power Automate setup, we can enable it in the custom of settings, just enable the toggle for Enable mailbox.
    Shared mailbox or regular mailbox email Ids can be used to configure mailbox. .
    A person who is configuring should be a member of the shared mailbox and send as permissions are required.
    It can be done in Settings in the email notification template.
  • Go to the Settings and click on email notification, the panel will open.
  • Select the option and click on the edit button, edit email body panel opens. Uncheck the active checkbox and click on submit button.
  • You can add the supervisor as the mailbox manager and they can see the ticket mailbox tab on the Home page from where they can create a ticket from the user request mail or can delete it.
    Requester’s raised ticket from Helpdesk email id will be shown in an unassigned tab instead of ticket mailbox tab in Home page.
    Admin, supervisor, and agent can delete the tickets as per settings in custom settings.
    Admin and supervisor can able to edit the ticket title. Admin can enable this feature from the custom settings.
    Priority and request type are the ticket fields that are allowed to edit by users. Admin can enable this feature from the custom settings.
    Yes, the admin can enable this feature from the custom settings.
    It can be deleted from the home page. select the ticket and click on the delete icon which is located on the top right corner of the table.
    Admin can delete all the tickets and supervisor can delete only their team’s ticket.
  • First, go to the team from the side navigation panel.
  • Select the tickets and click on the delete icon located on the right top corner of the table.
  • Yes, it can be done in settings in history by admin only.
    Yes, it can be done in settings in custom columns settings.
    As per settings in custom settings, admin or team supervisor or team agents can receive the notification.
    Once tickets got resolved or closed survey form link email notification will send to the requester from where the requester can provide their feedback. Admin can set survey notification email either for resolved or closed tickets from the customer satisfaction settings.
    Ticket properties and ticket description category custom fields are available.
  • Tickets properties category custom field details show in the properties panel of the comment page.
  • Description category custom fields details show in ticket description of comment page.
  • It can be done in settings in web form. Select the check box as No for fields and click on submit button.
    It works on power automate. To the setup, please contact to set up it.
    Open the ticket (Comment page), in the properties panel, click the edit option of the cc field type the email Id and click on the save option. Multiple email id can be added in cc separated by comma.
    There are 4 types of roles namely admin, supervisor, and agent.

  • Has full access.

  • Supervisor:
  • Able to assign all teams tickets to their agent if he/she has global or team Ⅰ ticket scope access.
  • Able to assign their teams tickets to their agent if he/she has global, team ticket Ⅰ or Ⅱ scope access.
  • Able to change the status of other team’s tickets if he/she has global scope access only.
  • Able to delete their team tickets.
  • Able to generate reports of their teams’ tickets.
  • Can’t change the status of their own raised tickets.

  • Agents
  • Able to assign all teams tickets to their agent if he/she has global or team access Ⅰ ticket scope.
  • Able to assign their teams tickets to their agent if he/she has global, teams’ access Ⅰ or Ⅱ scope.
  • Able to change the status of other team’s tickets if he/she has global access only.

  • User
  • Can only raise the tickets.
  • Note: By default, all users have user role access.
    Global access
  • Can view all teams’ unassigned tickets in the Helpdesk.
  • Can assign tickets for all teams.
  • Can edit or update a ticket of all teams from the comment page only.

  • Team access I
  • Can view all teams’ unassigned tickets in the Helpdesk.
  • Can assign tickets for all teams.

  • Team access II
  • Can view all teams’ unassigned tickets.
  • Can assign tickets for their teams.

  • Restricted access
  • Can only view their teams’ assigned tickets.
  • Team tickets detailed view will not be available.
  • Can update only tickets assigned to him/her.
  • Yes, since Helpdesk application data stores external SharePoint lists so that it can connect to Power BI & Power Automate.
    No, we will not have access to any field from your tenant other than the app email id of the person who has installed the app. Incase of troubleshooting, we need to get on screen sharing to know the issue and provide resolution.
      You can remove the application by following these steps:
  • Remove the application from the app catalog as shown in the screenshot below.

  • Helpdesk 365

  • Ensure to remove the web part from the Sitepage on the site, as demonstrated in the image below.

  • Helpdesk 365