• Add Assets

      From here you can able to add asset. You can enable fields that are required and disable those which are not required in the add assets page.

      You are not able to disable mandatory fields like asset name, asset type and category.

      Click on asset tab, add asset page will open then click on settings gear icon at right top, column display page will open.

      Setting icon

      Uncheck the check boxes for disable and check the check boxes for enable fields and finally click on Save button.


      To add an asset page, you can setup the default category, subcategory, asset type and status from the side navigation panel under administration.

      You can add assets from two places:

      1. Asset tab
      2. Assets from side navigation panel under Administration

      Asset Tab

      To add the asset type, follow the below steps:

      1. Click on the +Asset tab.

        Asset tab

      2. Fill mandatory fields like asset name, category, asset type and others are optional fields, upload an image or add the document. Enable the toggle switch to set Asset Expiry Notifications for assets.


      3. Finally click on the Save button or save icon.


      4. The created asset will be displayed on the Home Page and assigned asset table.

      To generate a system barcode please enable “System Generated Barcode” from the general setting.

      Adding an Asset as Multiple Click on Add Multiple buttons, fill the mandatory field and type the number value to create a number of assets and click on Submit button as shown below.

      Do not type serial numbers for creating multiple assets.

  • Import asset or Bulk Assets

      You can add 1000 in one go using CSV file. Download the sample file and add data in the specified format.

      Bulk asset


      Follow the below instructions before adding bulk assets:

      1. Add Asset ID in the specified column and is mandatory.
      2. Remove separators from the cost / value.
      3. Use date format should be MM/DD/YYYY, this is uploading the data, while displaying it will follow as per your choice in settings.
      4. Please do not change order of the columns or add new columns, this may lead to feeding values in incorrect columns.
      5. Mandatory fields like Asset Name, Asset Id, Asset Type and Category should not be empty.
      6. Barcode should not be more than 8 digits.
      7. Please do not change order of the columns or add new columns, this may lead into feeding values in incorrect columns.
      8. Barcode should not be more than 8 digits.

      To add the bulk consumable follow the below steps:

      1. Click on the +Bulk Assets or +Import Assets tab, this displays Add/Update Multiple Assets.
      2. Choose the data loaded CSV file from the system and upload the file.
      3. Finally click on the Save button.


      From here you can update the bulk asset details.

  • Assign Assets

      From here you can able to assign assets. To add the asset type, follow the below steps:

      1. Click on the Assign Assets from the top navigation panel.

        Assign assets

      2. Click on the link under the action column. This display pop-up.

        Pop up

      3. Enter the User name, select Project and Return date.

        To assign you can use User / Group or Location.

        Assign location

      4. Finally, click on the Assign button.

      5. The assigned assent will be displayed on the Return Assets page.


  • Return Assets

      From here you can able to return assets. To add the asset type, follow the below steps:

      1. Click on the Return Assets from the top navigation panel.

        Return asset

      2. Click on the link under the action column. This display pop-up.

        click link

      3. Finally, click on the Yes, return it button.

      4. The assigned assent will be displayed on the Assign Assets page.

        Assign page
  • Booking Details

      Cancelling booked assets and Updating booked asset

      In case you want to cancel the booked asset or edit the booked assets, you can do it from Booking Details. To cancel the booked asset just click on the cancel of action column and edit the booked assets (assign date or return date, click on update under of action column, pop up will open change the date and click on Yes book it button. In Booking Details page, you can find all the booked asset.

  • Approve/Reject Asset

      By default, Approve/Reject Asset feature is not enabled, the admin can enable it from Users from the side panel under settings.


      From here you can able to Approve/Reject assets. Select the checkbox under Action for booked assets and select Approve or Reject button.
