Home Page

In the Timesheet application, the home page is the first page, where users can

  • Status.
  • My Tasks.
  • Weekly Timesheet.
  • Track time (Daily time tracking).
  • Approval.
  • Tasks Status


  • Status : Users can view the status of their submitted, approved, and draft timesheets here. To check the status of weekly submitted timesheets, select the "Weekly" radio button. To check the status of daily submitted timesheets, select the "Daily" radio button.

  • Status

  • My Task- Users find all the tasks which are assigned to them over here along with other details like task allocated hours, track hours, and task deadline dates.

  • My Tasks

  • Weekly Timesheet : Users can fill out and submit their weekly timesheets here by selecting the "Week" option.

  • weekly TimeSheet

    For example, if you spent 8 hours on Monday completing a task and want to add comments about what you did (such as UI work or functionality implementation), you can add those comments here as shown in the image. If you want to save the timesheet and submit it later, click the draft button. To remove or delete a submitted timesheet, click the cross or cancel icon on the right side.

    weekly TimeSheet

    Users now have the flexibility to save a timesheet as a draft by selecting only the projects and tasks, without the need to input hours immediately.

    weekly TimeSheet

    weekly TimeSheet

  • Track time (Daily time tracking) : Users can submit hours for a single day here. To submit the daily timesheet, select the date, project, and task, then fill in the time and add comments by clicking on the comment icon and saving. You can add hours for additional projects or tasks and save them as well. Finally, click the submit button. The daily timesheet will be automatically added to the weekly timesheet. For example, if you submit a timesheet for January 1st and your weekly timesheet covers January 1st to January 5th, the entry for January 1st will be automatically filled in the weekly timesheet.

  • Track time (Daily time tracking)

  • Approval : Admin, program manager, and project manager can see the approval tab and can approve the user’s timesheets over here.

  • Select the filters (Employee name, month, or week) and click on Apply filter icon to get the submitted timesheets then click on the week number, this will explore the details with approve and reject buttons. From here the timesheet can be approved or rejected accordingly with a comment. Then users will receive email notifications about approval or rejection along with comments.


  • Task Status : In this section, you can review the status of tasks, whether they're open, closed, or ongoing.

  • Approval