Comment Page

      Some "ticket actions" are shown below on the comment page :

    1. Reply
    2. Consult
    3. Private Notes
    4. Transfer
    5. Merge
    6. Split
    7. Escalate
    8. Review
    9. Sub Tickets

      You will redirect to comments page of particular ticket once you click on Ticket ID or Title from home page.
      • From this page you can assign and update the status of the tickets.

        New comment


      1. You can Reply to the tickets.


      2. The user's message will be answered by an agent in a message box that opens.

        Reply update

      3. Message from the agent will be delivered to the user.

        User receive


      1. You can Consult to team member before transferring of the Tickets.

        Consult icon

      2. You can talk to the team members about allocating tickets based on their performance.
        To inform the team members, a mail will be sent when you click on Consult button.

        Consult msg


      1. You can Transfer the ticket from one department to another.You can decide to assign the ticket to a specific team member and/or department..


      2. The ticket is assigned to the team member of other team which you selected during transfer of ticket.

        Transfer mail

      Private Notes

      1. You can add Private Notes for the agent's reference.

        Private note

      2. Users cannot see the private notes that agents share with one another. The other team member will receive a mail when you click the "Add Private Note" button.

        Add note

      3. You can see that the message between the agents is private in this instance.

        Private agent

      4. A ticket assignee is get notified whenever a team member (agents and supervisor) adds a private comments.

        Private comment

      Merge Tickets

      Once the admin enables the merge ticket option from the settings, it displays on the ticket comment page from where the admin or ticket assignee can merge the ticket with another ticket using the ticket ID.

      The ticket on which you would like to merge with other tickets with ticket ID will get closed and the ticket assigned and ticket requester will get notified about the ticket merge. In this way ticket merging work.

      Merge ticket

      To merge the tickets, follow the steps:

      1. Go to home page and click the Ticket ID to open the comment page.

      2. On the comment page, click the Merge button, which displays a pop-up.

        Merge button

      3. Click the Yes button, which displays merge to pop-up.

        Pop up

      4. Enter the Ticket ID to merge into.

        Ticket ID

      5. Click the Merge button.

        Click merge

        Split Tickets

        You can split the ticket.Admin can enable the toggle switch for split tickets.

        Split ticket

        To split the ticket, follow the steps:

        1. Go to home page and click the Ticket ID to open the comment page.

        2. On the comment page, click the Split button, which displays a pop-up.

          Split button

        3. Click the Yes button, which displays Ticket Split to pop-up.

          Pop up

        4. Enter New Ticket Title and comments, select Teams and Services to merge into.

          Teams and services

        5. Click the Split button.

        Escalate Tickets

        From here, you can escalate any issue if the ticket is not resolved within a specific time interval.

        To esalate the issue, follow the steps:

        1. Go to home page and click the Ticket ID to open the comment page.

        2. On comment page, click the Escalate button, this displays comment box to write the comments.

          New esc team

        3. Select Escalation Teams and Escalation Teams Members.

          Escalation Teams
        4. Click the Escalate button.


        Review Tickets

        Admin can enable the toggle switch for review ticket.

        review ticket

        To review the tickets, follow the steps:

        1. Go to home page and click the Ticket ID to open the comment page.

          Open comment page

        2. On comment page, click the Review button, this displays comment box to write the comments.

          Review button

        3. Select Teams Members with whom you want the share the review.

        4. Click the Review button.

        Sub Tickets

        From here, you can create a sub ticket from a ticket. By default sub tickets are disabled, you can enable it by clicking Enable sub ticket toggle switch. You can Assign Sub Ticket by checking the Teams and/or Teams Members check box and clicking on the Save button as shown below.

        Enable sub ticket

        The Sub Ticket option will be displayed on the comment page as shown below.

        Sub ticket icon

        To create sub tickets, follow the below steps:

        You can create multiple sub tickets from a main ticket.

        1. Go to the comment page, click the Sub Ticket option.

        2. Select Yes in a dialog box, this displays the Sub Ticket page.

          Select yes
        3. Enter Sub Ticket Title and Comments.

          Sub ticket title
        4. Sub ticket created and displayed on home page.

          Ticket created

        Requester Details

        1. Admin can edit or change the ticket requester name on the comment page.

          Edit requester

        2. CC users auto pickup in the ticket properties panel.

          Auto pickup